The success stories of the Mohammed bin Rashid to develop small and medium enterprises, "On Time" In the city do not know sleep and working day and night to be in the lead, no matter how rid the government transactions and consulates and embassies procedures easy, the time may not Asafk in ridding all your dealings, but found a hand get rid of all such transactions, they must be prepared to rid Almuammlat in record time, and deal professionally with people from many countries residents and visitors speak more than one hundred and fifty languages and language. That was the challenge that Walid Abdul Karim decided to Aiqarh. In 2005, the foundations of Walid Abdul Karim Online, Time Inc., which decided to conquer the challenge and provide services at the highest levels of quality and handling, to save time and effort, and pledged to be performed true to the name of the company: On Time. Today is proud to Online Time to achieve a distinctive successes and provide multiple services include ridding the identity card transactions and the mobilization of visa forms and follow-up in the various consulates and embassies. Online Time is today accredited by the Saudi Consulate and power from several countries such as India and China to rid visa own company transactions. In its quest to develop its services on-Time it is currently seeking to build a special relationship with various governments and government agencies. Based work environment in the Online Time on the discipline and the spirit of the fruitful team to achieve the desired goal, and as the on-Time currently working to meet the growing needs of the market in the expansion into the GCC countries, all members of the team in on-Time working hard with dedication, perseverance and dedication to meet these growing needs and improve more and more the quality of services provided by each of the clients at the level of individuals and institutions.