Paper Recycling Project Ores The raw materials needed by the project: the papers destroyed and neglected different sources Kjeraid, notebooks, books, and cartons task and many others, and can facilitate the process obtained by searching for institutions which are frequently used such securities and throw Kalmassat educational, government departments and other shops and huge factories, and to agree with them to take on the task of collecting the paper waste and getting rid of them either free or against payment of a nominal amount of money for them, so we have got the largest possible amount of raw materials needed to start implementation of the project. Machinery & Equipment Paper Recycling huge for paper recycling at home practical projects differ, despite the ease of doing so at home, however, a huge project to a high level of production needs to provide a number of large machines and complex equipment in order to succeed him, where he must Basin provides huge customized paper and polishing machine and a kettle in addition to the kneading machine and the other of the era, in addition to the production machine and electric scissors, hydraulic piston. Production To ensure huge profits favored leaving output options are limited and the lack of production the option of one or two settings, and can expand production door to encompass all that is required of paper industries, such as cartons of all sizes and dishes Remember eggs, paper bags, and coloring books, and cardboard models cartoon and many others, and to produce it all comes hydraulic piston which can be customized and set specific criteria for the formation of products after the completion of all stages of the paper recycling role. Man power The project needs a specialized group of managers and executives in this field, and who have the task of planning and management of the project in terms of the collection of raw materials and the conduct of the production process, as well as technicians Maintenance familiar with the machines used in the project, and others working on the production and storage lines staff. Marketing and profitability Paper products marketing is not difficult because of the urgent needs it by a large segment of people, but it needs to be an employee who specializes in this area to perform this task to the fullest, it is also important to have an accountant and director of Mali to take things expenses and determine product prices and profits.