A person must know Hkhieth abilities and individual skills that characterize the access to the right decision and choose the most appropriate jobs for those skills through knowledge of all aspects of the job that he wants her progress and see if they fit his abilities Alamah or not. Self-knowledge: Help in choosing the right job for you self and discover special abilities and individual skills that distinguish a person from others is one of the most important factors that help a person in choosing the right job to him and which are in line with its capabilities and fit the direction of the person and inclinations and psychological features so knowing a person must hold a simple test to identify the personality and skills and then starts searching Ann functionality that help in exploiting those capabilities to achieve great success in the workplace as a person must know how to exploit Tklk skills and what is new Alvean provided to a person distinct and successful it becomes in his work before applying for any jobs must be Al person to know what are the interests and Ahoyate and the profession he loves and his skills and strengths and weaknesses, trends, and the nature of his character. factors that will help you choose the right job for you: There are a range of factors that help a person choose the right job for his ability and skills Frgah person in a specific function of the things that reduce puzzled person when selecting a function and help in the selection of his best position increases the desire to succeed in the work. Some go for jobs that achieve a social setting prestigious or income high and perhaps Occupation chooses under the influence of friends and family Those effects have a negative impact on a person's decision, but he must be aware that not all jobs fit all people so you should not choose Position randomly Vhab person for the job in which it operates helped him to success, innovation and makes it unique in his field. There is a big difference between the person who he does, he feels upset, pressure and waiting for a time when the end of work and the person who is doing his job, he feels fun and goes to work as quickly without having to feel as a person must show Balthagafh because it represents a strong motivation that search is always a person to make a lot effort to prove self at the beginning you Alamlijb to learn the person from the mistakes that Phaiaml Ali is avoided then as it should Alihalaatrav mistake because the recognition by mistake avoids the person's psychological and behavioral pressures it is necessary to meet the challenges and problems faced by the person in the vicinity of his work and not to escape from Tllk problems and must the person dealing with his colleagues at work in a way to be Aiqguan smiley always those things help him to prove himself in the work and make it lovable person.